FOOD & BEVERAGE – Beer Drums
Ergonomic handling systems for beer drums in the logistic area & in the warehouse with an INDEVA® model Liftronic® Easy. The operator can move heavy beer barrels with natural, intuitive & quick motions.
- Very precise barrel positioning without bouncing ; with an INDEVA® it is not necessary for the operator to oppose inertia forces when first picking the barrel from its support, or when changing vertical direction or when leaving the barrel down.
- The sensitive handle can be different lengths to suit different picking & positioning heights, thus never allowing the operator to handle loads above his shoulder height, nor bending his back.7
- An additional long handle for helping the operator to position the barrel can be added if required.
FOOD & BEVERAGE – Bottles & Jars
Handling wine bottles by means of a manipulator complete with a vacuum gripper with many suction cups suitable for grabbing up to 30 or more bottles at the same time.
Thanks to the INDEVA® technology, glass bottles are handled gently & precisely, without any impact nor bouncing.
The suction cups hold the bottles on the bottom or on the body sides. Offset (from the center of gravity of the tool grip) handling: it is possible to pick & position bottles placed on a rack which is impossible to reach from the top.
FOOD & BEVERAGE – Cases with Bottles
Lifting & handling one or more cases full of soft drink bottles at the time
An AUTOMATIC barycenter adjust device allows for constantly correct vertical position of the tool both when loaded or unloaded, as well as whatever the weight is.
Hundreds of INDEVA® industrial manipulators are in use for different applications within the dairy farming.
Handling cheese blocks by means of a vacuum gripping tool applied to the standard tool head of an INDEVA® Liftronic® Easy model. Rotation device for turning the cheese block by 90° . Handling soft cheese by means of a simple stainless steel hook.
INDEVA® manipulators for manual handling of hams of different types, shapes & weights.
A Liftronic® Easy INDEVA® with hook or special tool for handling ham legs in the food industry.
Thanks to the electronic control, the sensitive handle, the automatic & continuous load balancing feature, a Liftronic® Easy is the ideal solution for handling hams & ham rolls within the food industry: it allowsز Infact, for high precision & perfect control of all movements.
Positioning the ham on its hook can be performed with same precision , coordination speed as if the worker were handling a load of few grams of weight with his hands only.
This specially natural & effortless way of handling loads is what makes the INDEVA® Liftronic® unique in the material handling solutions market.